For organizations and enterprises that share our values and our vision, we can work in partnership. We can jointly bid for funds for projects or support you in a joint social enterprise venture or enhance your training offer with experts from around the world. In some cases we are able to offer a Social License Agreement.
Business Consulting
Whether you’re experiencing challenges with company culture and internal processes or need a new business strategy to reflect your envisioned future, we’re here to help. Social Enterprise International helps businesses thrive and measure their social impact. We will help you build a solid future for your company from scratch.
Social Auditing
Social Enterprise International provides quality social auditing in order to properly evaluate your involvement in social endeavors. Our researchers have an expertise in social and financial auditing for big businesses all over the world.
From NGO to Social Enterprise
Social Enterprise International helps in transforming NGOs to Social Enterprises by strengthening internal management, identifying a suitable market, and sharpening business acumen.
Marketing Research and Data Analysis
Social Enterprise International provides quality social auditing in order to properly evaluate your involvement in social endeavors.
Writing Proposals
Many times it can be hard to know where to begin in writing your business proposal. With Social Enterprise International, your business will be provided with quality proposal writing thanks to our research experts.